Where is eq BEING TAUGHT? To do or not to do? To take or to give? To steal or to pay? To protest peacefully or riot? To teach or to manipulate? Which one is you? How do you make decisions? Is it random or are you consistent with your words and actions?
The affect of knowing I could control my temper outbursts was a shock to me, when I learned at the age of 30 that if I thought about two simple words placed next to each other, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), I could trick my brain into calming itself. How? I take a breath. Deep breath 4 seconds in through the nose and a deep exhale 4 seconds through the mouth. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to utilize the moment in between DECISION and ACTION in order to make the best decision in that specific moment. You want the RESULTS of the DECISION to be in your favor. It is in THIS MOMENT where you MUST find the WORDS to share your message. YOUR WORDS are YOUR POWER. Please share this message - we need to use our words in each of those moments to create decisive actions that peacefully, respectfully and with united measures to mitigate any and all discrimination and racism in our world. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm not saying everyone can do it every time. Some things cause outrage. Watching Mr. George Perry Floyd's passing hurt me to a core. Mainly because my goal with every one of my clients everyday is to help them breath. I don't discriminate my work based on skin color or mass of human body. Now, in times of coronavirus, everyday I am especially in-tune with my clients need for breath, seeing as we have to wear a mask. Every Single Day, I ask my clients, at least 2 times if they are breathing ok. And every time I ask that question, I get sad for Mr. George Floyd's life, his family and those who knew him. So, as I was saying, if the cop would have had some type of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE the conversation, assumptions and outcome would have been different. Mr. Floyd would be alive, the cops would be working the streets and maybe a positive video goes viral. #1love #makeanassist #youthsports #learnup #blm #powerinone
Brian Keene
a purpose driven author Archives
January 2023
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